Our architectual studio was established in 2010 by Ing. Arch Jana Šimánková and Ing. Arch. Marek Šinágl. We are not limited by the size of the projects. Our portfolio includes small as well as large-scope projects. We collaborate with number of experts from different types of professions.
We are working on all phases of projects, starting from the project analysis up to final realisation documentation. We offer and realise architectual supervision for most of our projects to make sure that the final realisation is flawless.
Tým tvoří: Jana Kratochvílová (ČKA 4293), Radka Bartošová, Adéla Přibylová
Spolupracovali s námi: Marek Šinágl (zakládající člen), Vít Černý, Pavel Zezula, Josef Dvořák, Juraj Biroš, Jana Šulíčková, Michal Rouha (zakládající člen), Jana Fischerová, Martin Chlanda, Ján Madura, Petr Chochola, Tereza Steiningerová.
We create and develop proposals for family houses, residential houses as well as housing complex. Our studio arranges and creates all parts of the projects, starting from the study analysis up to the final realisation documentation, including all the engineering to obtain all the necessary permits.
We design interiors for living, office and commerical spaces. Moreover, we focus on deisigning genuine interior elements. We offer a complete documenation for all parts of the interior projects.
Our main scope are building for sport events, administration, culture or recreation. The project documentation is provided for all phases including the necessary permits for construction.
We transform urban landscape and environment. We have experinces with main square projects, promenades, parks and streets. We provide a complete project documentation including the necessary permits for construction.
Mio architects s.r.o.
Vídeňská 340
252 50 Vestec
Czech Republic
IČ: 247 26 559
DIČ: CZ 247 26 559